» Are ‘Designer Drugs’ Still a Thing in Michigan? Nothing on this or associated pages, documents, comments, answers, emails, or other communications should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. So be sure to light your fireworks on your own property, or get permission before setting up your evening’s pyrotechnic entertainment! Last year people were allowed to set off fireworks for the 30 days surrounding independence day, but that’s not the case anymore. "We don't usually have major issues," Merritt said. What days can you set off fireworks in Michigan on July 4th? SUBSCRIBE NOW . Individual municipalities can also maintain their own noise ordinances that may conflict with fireworks use during certain hours. Rod Meloni is an Emmy Award-winning Business Editor on Local 4 News and a Certified Financial Planner™ Professional. Many off-site friendships have formed with others who share the same interests in the outdoors through the site. For example, in Meridian Township, East Lansing and Grand Ledge, the use of consumer fireworks is prohibited between the hours of 1 a.m. and 8 a.m. In Michigan, consumer fireworks must meet Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) … We’ll be here. All individuals pictured here were associated with the law firm at the time the photograph was taken. Check your local ordinances for more specific rules on setting off fireworks. Violating those restrictions can result in a civil fine of up to $500. If you need help with the Public File, call (313) 222-0566. But starting Saturday, June 29, and lasting through July 5, your community cannot ban firework use. The management works very hard to make sure the community is running the best software, best designs, and all the other bells and whistles. Meridian Township Fire Inspector Tavis Millerov said residents often call in noise complaints, even during times when fireworks are allowed. It's not allowed after midnight through 8 a.m. except on New Year's when the deadline is 1 a.m. You need prior permission to light off fireworks in parking lots, on public property or another person's property. But as it turns out, not everyone appreciated the unrestricted fireworks party. Contact Reporter Rachel Greco at (517) 528-2075 or rgreco@lsj.com. (WXYZ) — With Memorial Day on the horizon, Michiganders will be once again shooting off fireworks during the holiday to celebrate. Curious about what’s off limits? The Saturday and Sunday before Labor Day, until 11:45 p.m. And later on tonight? On July 5th, assuming that day happens to be a Friday or a Saturday (which is luckily the case this year! "Federally illegal in 1965. It's much, much safer.". "Go to a professional show. People have a few too many, and make dumb choices. So be sure to stay sober! Discussion in 'Sound Off' started by wpmisport, Jul 1, 2019.